Political Action

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Why is it important for Labor Unions to be involved in politics?

Through active participation in politics, labor unions in the US play a critical role in defining and defending workers’ rights. By participating in the political landscape, unions can advocate for favorable legislation and government policies that prioritize the well-being of workers. Before 1842, the legality of collective actions by workers to improve wages, reduce working hours, or secure employment was often in question and, in many instances, considered illegal. The Commonwealth (Massachusetts) vs. Hunt case, a court ruling that laid the groundwork for collective bargaining rights, marked a turning point.

Decades later, in 1866, The National Labor Union began lobbying Congress for an 8-hour work day. This effort eventually led to the introduction of the 8-hour workday, overtime pay, the 40-hour workweek, and health and safety laws. Persistent advocacy from organized labor groups prompted the creation of the Department of Labor by Congress, along with the passage of crucial acts such as the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the National Labor Relations Act, and Davis-Bacon, which safeguards local wage rates on federal projects.

While many states have local laws mirroring federal regulations enforced by the US Department of Labor, additional regulations on both state and local government projects, such as prevailing wage requirements, can and often do exist. By participating in elections and championing supportive candidates, labor unions impact the electoral process and influence the appointment of officials sympathetic to labor issues. This political involvement expands the representation of workers’ interests, both in terms of securing benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans and in molding a legislative agenda that encourages a more just and equitable society. To sum up, the political engagement of labor unions is integral to workers’ rights, social justice, and the improvement of overall working conditions.